Getting to your destination

Getting to your destination




We suggest that you carry a letter for security staff at your port of exit or entry.  The letter should explaining why you are carrying treatment products, prescribed drugs, needles, syringes etc., and the serious implications of not having them immediately to hand. The WFH sample letter is a very good place to start but you might find that your Haemophilia Centre already have their own.  You may also need a letter to present to customs, if requested, to explain why you are carrying treatment products, prescribed drugs, needles, and syringes. If you can you could get the letters in the language of the country being visited.  However, bear in mind that Haemophilia Centres can’t offer a translation service so this isn’t always possible.

When travelling by air, always carry your own treatment products, treatment equipment, and pharmaceutical drugs on-board the aircraft as hand baggage. This will allow you to present them quickly to security and customs, if requested. There are risks of loss, breakage, and of temperature variations potentially affecting treatment products if stowed in the aircraft hold.


“We learnt about not putting treatment in the aircraft hold the hard way.  A fall just before we got on the plane meant persuading the ground crew to stop everything to find our bags so we could treat.  The treatment always travels in our hand luggage now.”




Haemophilia Scotland






Source: Haemophilia Scotland