
  Bisexual people have the capacity to love people of their same gender or of a different gender. This can include physical, sexual, and emotional attraction, and/or relationships. Over time in life, a bisexual person might feel attracted to men, women, transgender people, and/or genderqueer people, or to one gender in preference to the others. The strength of these attractions […]

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The Victorians Surprisingly Liberal Attitude Towards Gay Men

The Victorians’ surprisingly liberal attitude towards gay men     The famous imprisonment of author Oscar Wilde in 1895 for being a homosexual paints a picture of sexual repression and hostility towards same-sex relationships in 19th-century England. But the largest ever survey of court cases relating to the criminalisation of gay men has revealed a surprisingly relaxed attitude towards homosexuality […]

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Sexual Health – Pubic Lice

Pubic lice         Introduction Pubic lice (Phthirus pubis) are tiny parasitic insects that live on coarse human body hair, such as pubic hair. More commonly known as Crabs. As well as being found in pubic hair, the lice are also sometimes found in:   . Underarm and leg hair . Hair on the chest, abdomen and back […]

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