Haemophilia Scotland



Haemophilia Scotland is a registered charity (No. SC044298) based in Scotland for people who have haemophilia, von Willebrands and other bleeding disorders. We are an organisation for anyone who has these blood-related conditions so we can talk to each other; and we provides a united representative voice when speaking with the medical profession, with government, with the rest of Scottish society, and when connecting with people like us throughout the world.


Haemophilia Scotland Logo


Our Vision

Our Vision is of Scotland being a place where people with haemophilia, von Willebrands and other bleeding disorders, along with their families and carers, are fully supported to live healthy, happy lives according to their individual needs and circumstances. It is a vision of people successfully self-managing their conditions with high quality, trusted and proportionate medical support so they can maximise their life chances.


Our Mission

Our Mission is to support, inform and advocate on behalf of all people in Scotland with haemophilia, von Willebrands and other bleeding disorders. Our Mission involves securing the most effective services and safe treatments by bringing together patients, and working with health service providers, suppliers and policy-makers so that people’s quality of life is as good as it can be.


Our Objectives

  • To provide a way for all people with haemophilia, von Willebrands and other bleeding disorders in Scotland, both through local groups or as individuals, to meet, share experiences, learn from one another and offer mutual support.
  • To provide accurate, up-to-date, accessible information on all matters related to haemophilia, von Willebrands and other bleeding disorders.
  • To facilitate progressive influential relationships with the medical establishment, voluntary sector intermediaries, government agencies, similar UK organisations and international partners.


Our Values

We value participation as a user-led organisation that ensures everyone can be involved.

We value collaboration by choosing to work in partnerships where there is mutual benefit.

We value openness that engenders trust and good faith.

We value fairness for everyone and in particular for those whose voice is not usually heard.

We value life and the chance for people with a bleeding disorder to live it to the full.



4th Floor, Hayweight House
23 Lauriston Street

Emma 0131 281 0857. Dan 0131 524 7286. Mobile 07930 316190.

9.30am to 5.30pm 
Monday to Friday




Haemosexual looks forward to bridging the equality gap with The Scottish Parliament, The Scottish Government and Haemophilia Scotland.

Supported by the Haemophilia Scotland Board who believe all members of the bleeding disorder community should be treated as equal. We are gaining momentum and are pleased to say the subject of disability, bleeding disorders and the LGBT community is now receiving better recognition.


Haemophilia Scotland Logo