Haemosexual Australia: Emen8 – Get Your Nuts Out
Get your nuts out – the easy way to check your balls for testicular cancer
April is Testicular Cancer Awareness Month. Although it comes but once a year, your testicles are constantly producing sperm to help you do that whenever you like. For men under 40, knowing how to check your nuts (or someone else’s) and doing so regularly can help identify anything unusual, ensuring you’re equipped to stay healthy.
Testicular cancer is the second most common cancer affecting men aged 18 to 39. It’s estimated that over 800 men will be diagnosed with this type of cancer this year in Australia by the end of 2018. In the vast majority of cases, the outlook is still positive with effective treatments and rates of survival above 95 per cent if discovered early.
Although there are no proven measures to prevent testicular cancer, reporting any unusual changes or discomfort in your balls to your GP can help ensure you get checked out by a specialist and receive appropriate treatment.
They say: “The best thing you can do for your testicles is give them a bit of a feel on a regular basis, and if something doesn’t seem right, head to the doctor.” To help you get the lowdown on checking your own nuts (or someone else’s), they’ve produced a video and a handy visual guide for self-examination.
Movember Foundation | Know Thy Nuts
If you do happen to notice: a change in the shape or size of your nads, a lump that you don’t recall being there before; or if they just become painful to touch, make sure you see a doctor to get them professionally checked out. While there may be a temptation to worry, keep calm and see a GP for a proper check up.
Engaging, positive and thought provoking, Emen8 is Australia’s biggest and boldest online health and wellbeing initiative for same sex attracted men.
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