No Sex we’re British

* Having a bleeding disorder doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy sex. Have fun and bear in mind that there is nothing you can’t do. *We would always recommend using a condom Cum Some men with a bleeding disorder can occasionally have blood in their cum, called haemospermia. This can be worrying for both you, and the guy you’re with. […]

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Sexually Transmitted Infections

If you have sex without a condom you could be at risk from the following: STI’s like Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, Herpes, Chlamydia or NSU (non-specific urethritis) Viral infections like HIV and Hepatitis   Some infections can also be transmitted during oral sex and by non-penetrative genital-to-genital contact, such as Genital Warts, Gonorrhoea A lot of people with STI’s do not feel […]

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