LGBT Care: Older LGBT People
Lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender in later life
There’s a real diversity of people within the LGBT community and this of course includes older people. At Age UK we think this is something to be celebrated. Whether you’re single, dating, living with a partner, married, or in a civil partnership, there’s information, advice and services available. You can download our free Lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (PDF 340 KB) information guide or request a printed copy from the Age UK advice line.
Have you seen our transgender factsheet?
We recognise that transgender people may have particular needs as they age, as well as the fact that an older person may be addressing their transgender identity for the first time. Our comprehensive transgender factsheet (PDF 497 KB) covers a whole range of issues, from health and care to finance.
And did you know?
Increasing numbers of local Age UKs are doing great work with their older LGBT communities. For example, Age UK Camden runs the UK’s biggest programme for older lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people – Opening Doors London.
Click on the links below for further information related to older LGBT people: